And do this, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep; for now our salvation is nearer than when we first believed.

—Romans 13:11

What time is it? Paul said: "It's high time to awake out of your sleep." Paul recognized that the church in his day was asleep to the true issues of life. How much more so with the church today! We must be asleep, for there doesn't seem to be an urgency in our hearts about the things of the Lord.  

We've slept long enough. The world around us is being ruled by Satan, all while we've napped. We slept through the removal of prayer from our public schools. We slept through the removal of laws that protected us from pushers of pornography. We slept through the opening of the doors for abortion on demand. We have slept through the paganizing of America. It is time to wake up.  


The Lord's return is close. At the end of each day, we can truthfully say we are one day closer to the return of Jesus Christ than we were yesterday. Our salvation is nearer than when we first believed. Oh, the blessed hope that Jesus Christ is coming soon to deliver us from this present evil world!  

It is high time for us to put off the works of darkness and put on the Lord Jesus Christ. It is time for us to live and walk after the Spirit. May God awaken His church and challenge us by His Word to righteous, holy living.  

We realize, Lord, that we have slept while the world has deteriorated around us. We see that the world is on the brink of eternity. Wake us, Lord. Help us reach the lost.  

In Jesus' Name We Pray, Amen.