Does not the potter have power over the clay, from the same lump to make one vessel for honor and another for dishonor?

—Romans 9:21

Clay must be pliable. The only way it can discover what is to become of it is if it yields to the touch of the potter. That lump on the potter's wheel might become a beautiful vase to be set in a prominent place, or it might become a pot to hold garbage. The clay has no idea what is in the mind of the potter and no business telling the potter what he can form.  

We are those lumps of clay. We don't know what God has destined for us, or how He plans to use us. We don't know what we are to become. The only way we can discover it is by surrendering ourselves to Him.  


The Potter's hands are powerful—powerful enough to mold and shape a life. The wheel spins at a frightening speed. As the whirling begins, questions arise: What is God doing? Why do I feel so out of control? What is to become of me? But if you can silence those questions and trust those hands, if you can accept the pressure and ignore the fear, if you can remind yourself of the goodness of the Potter and the purity of His heart, then faith will replace anxiety. Fear will flee. Peace will surround you.  

You might even find yourself enjoying the ride.  

Father, as we are whirling on the wheel, confused about what You might be doing, help us to yield ourselves to Your touch. May we not resist, and thus become marred in Your hands. Form us into vessels that will bring You glory and honor.  

In Jesus' Name, Amen.