…We do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal.

— 2 Corinthians 4:18

THE MATERIAL WORLD---the world we see and touch---is three dimensional. But the spiritual world has an untold number of dimensions we are not familiar with. The spiritual world is an invisible world. Though the material world is in a constant process of decay, the spiritual world knows no decay. It is eternal.


What do we see in this material, three-dimensional world? Perplexities, difficulties, and afflictions. God doesn’t promise us heaven on this sin-cursed earth. But when by faith we see the spiritual dimension---the power of God, the hand of God, the love of God---we gain strength to endure. Having glanced at Him and observing His majestic power, we stop fearing the mountains before us because we are confident that He will bring us through.

It is tragic that so many people trade in the world they could have for the world they know. They mindlessly sacrifice God's eternal kingdom for some temporal pleasure, excitement, or possession---a pleasure, excitement, or possession that will eventually pass away. When we have a worldly perspective, we lose sight of eternity. We can’t afford to lose that eternal perspective; it is the key to endurance. We need to look beyond our problems to the eternal God, who is our refuge and our strength, and behold the eternal rewards awaiting those who live a godly life.

Father, the material world is so attractive and so alluring at times. Correct our perspective, Lord. Help us to give ourselves over to things that are eternal.

In Jesus’ Name, Amen.