And not being weak in faith, he did not consider his own body, already dead....He did not waver at the promise of God through unbelief, but was strengthened in faith, giving glory to God, and being fully convinced that what He had promised He was also able to perform.

— Romans 4:19-21

WHENEVER THE WRITERS of the Bible wanted to give a classic example of a person with faith, they pointed to Abraham. In fact, Abraham is called “the father of the faith.”

The first key to Abraham’s faith is that he did not consider his or Sarah’s age to be an obstacle to God. That is, he did not limit God’s ability to override human difficulty. In contrast, that is often the first thing we consider. We often apply our own limitations to God.

Secondly, he did not waver at any of God’s promises. Here is a good motto: “If God said it, I believe it.” The Bible is so rich with promises that you can always find one that fits your present need. God covers all the bases—and you can trust what He says.

Thirdly, Abraham gave glory to God. He praised God even before seeing any evidence that God would keep His promise. Why? Because faith believes that God is able to perform whatever He has promised.


Though it took a miracle to do so, God did keep His word to Abraham, and He will keep His word to you. One day you will see the fulfillment of His promises to you if you will just follow the keys to faith.

Father, we thank You that what You have promised You are able to perform. Help us, Lord, that we might truly stand upon Your promises.
