But not long after, a tempestuous head wind arose, called Euroclydon.
— Acts 27:14
THROUGH NO CAUSE of his own, Paul landed right in the midst of a vicious storm. He had warned the captain of the ship not to sail, but the captain didn’t listen.
We sometimes wrongly think that because we serve the Lord, we should enjoy smooth sailing all the way. Surely the Lord will calm the seas for us, and send a soft wind to fill our sails. Not so! Jesus does not promise to spare you from the storms, but He has promised to be with you in the storms.
When those storms hit, we wonder if we will survive them. Paul probably wondered the same. But the Lord spoke words of encouragement to Paul as He stood by him in the storm. He told Paul that he would survive, because God had a mission for him.
The real purpose of Paul’s storm would not be revealed until later. And that’s so often the case in our lives. When our seas are rough, we question the probability of our survival. It is then we need to remember the Lord’s words: “Do not be afraid” (Acts 27:24). In other words, “Cheer up. It’s not over. I have a plan for you.”
He does have a plan. He has not forgotten you—in fact, He is right there with you, riding out the waves. When the storm is past and the clouds part again, you will see the reason for the storm.
Father, we thank You that You are with us in the storms. For You promised that You would never leave us nor forsake us. Use those tempests for Your purposes and Your glory.
In Jesus’ Name, Amen.