When he came and had seen the grace of God, he was glad, and encouraged them all that with purpose of heart they should continue with the Lord.
— Acts 11:23
THE CHURCH in Jerusalem decided to send Barnabas to Antioch in order to get a firsthand report of this move of the Spirit that was taking place in this Gentile city. Once there, Barnabas exhorted them to cleave to the Lord.
Many people start their Christian walk with great zeal and fervor. But as time passes, their love for the Lord begins to wax cold. Their zeal for the things of Christ lessens. The world starts to take hold of their lives again.
As Christians, we find ourselves opposed to the world, to the flesh, and to the devil. The flesh will rebel against some of the demands of the Spirit, and the devil will be there to exploit the weakness of your flesh and to plant doubts in your mind. But the rewards of sticking close to Jesus are so great. Oh, the joy of living in close fellowship with Him; the thrill of seeing Him work in your life and doing for you the things which you recognize you can’t even do for yourself!
Cleave closely to God. Don’t let anything lure you from His side. You need the strength and the help that He gives. Purpose in your heart that you will stick close to Him—the closer, the better.
Lord, may we commit ourselves this day to obey Your commands and to follow You, no matter where You choose to take us. Keep our zeal burning brightly.
In Jesus’ Name, Amen.