So when they had eaten breakfast, Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Simon, son of Jonah, do you love Me more than these?”
— John 21:15
AFTER A FUTILE night of fishing, a man on the shore told the disciples to throw the net on the other side of the ship. Immediately the nets were filled; so much so that they could not draw them in. Realizing the man was Jesus, Peter dove in and swam to Him. The other disciples followed in a little boat dragging the net full of fish, and when they got there, they found that Jesus had already prepared breakfast.
Sitting around the fire, Jesus asked Peter, “Do you love Me more than these?”
Put The Lord First And Foremost In Your Life.
Perhaps Jesus was looking at those fish flopping in the net, probably the largest haul Peter had ever caught. So Jesus may have meant, “Do you love Me more than the pinnacle of success in your career?”
If Jesus looked you straight in the eye and asked, “Do you love Me more than these?” What things in your life vie for your attention and draw your love away from Him? Is it your goals, your career, a relationship, pleasures, television? And what would your answer be?
The Lord longs for your love. He wants to be first and foremost in your life. May God help us that we will be able to respond, “Lord, You know all things; You know that I love You supremely.”
Father, so many things fight for our attention. Help us to put You above everything else. May our love for You exceed all other loves in our life.
In Jesus’ Name, Amen.