But Simon answered and said to Him, “Master, we have toiled all night and caught nothing; nevertheless
at Your word I will let down the net.”
— Luke 5:5
"LAUNCH OUT into the deep and let down your nets for a catch,” Jesus told Simon Peter (Luke 5:4).
But they had already been fishing all night. And those seasoned fishermen had caught nothing. You can almost hear the polite yet condescending tone in Peter’s voice. He may as well have said, “You are a good teacher, but I am the fisherman. You may know things about God, but I know fish.”
But Peter didn’t say any of that. Instead, he said: “Nevertheless, at Your word I will let down the net.” And because he obeyed blindly—not because the request was logical but because it came from Jesus—they pulled up a net so loaded with fish, it nearly broke.
Our best efforts can lead to empty nets. But obedience can bring success beyond our wildest dreams. There were many years in my own ministry where I threw out nets and brought back nothing. But when the Lord purposed to fill the nets, they were suddenly filled to overflowing. It had nothing to do with my own abilities or my own power. It happened simply because God purposed it. And all the glory goes to Him.
God’s command may seem contrary to your logic. But if you listen for direction and act in obedience, you will find the difference between failure and success. “Nevertheless, at Your word, I will do it.” Let those be words we live by.
Father, make us such obedient children that at the slightest whisper from You, we act. Teach us to trust Your voice over our own. Amen.