Then those who feared the Lord spoke to one another, and the Lord listened and heard them; so a book of remembrance was written before Him for those who fear the Lord and who meditate on His name.
— Malachi 3:16
HAVE YOU EVER noticed how keyed in you are on your own name? Say two people are in conversation behind you, and one of them mentions your name. Don’t you automatically perk up? You wonder, What are they saying about me?
The Lord is just as keyed in on His name. Whenever our conversation turns toward Him, He hearkens. “What’s that? What are they saying about Me?”
Unfortunately, sometimes what God hears isn’t so pleasant. Israel had a habit of murmuring against the Lord, and against those things He allowed in order to bring them to a place of blessing. Rather than encouraging one another with God’s promises, they murmured against the discomfort of the experience. And many times we are guilty of the same thing.
God, It Would Seem, Is Quite A Bookkeeper.
God records those who fear Him and who talk about Him to one another. It is an awesome thought to realize that my name is written in God’s book of remembrance!
I pray that you will find yourself speaking often of God’s love and of His goodness; that you will share with others about what the Lord means to you. Let’s keep that recording angel busy as he writes in the book of remembrance. Let’s give him a lot to write about as we share with one another the goodness and the blessings of our Lord.
Lord, may we indeed speak often, one with another, of Your glories. Thank You for redeeming us and for treasuring us. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.