And go, get to the captives, to the children of your people, and speak to them and tell them, “Thus says the Lord God,” whether they hear, or whether they refuse.
— Ezekiel 3:11
GOD HAS CALLED us each to a ministry within the body of Christ. Not all are apostles, not all are prophets, not all are evangelists, not all are pastors or teachers, but we all have a place of service. God has a task and a purpose for you. And if He calls you to a ministry, you can be sure that He will equip you for it.
God Will Never Call You To Do Anything That He Will Not Enable You To Do.
Ezekiel was commanded to speak to the people, “Whether they listen, or not.” The ministry is not easy. Often it can be very discouraging. The people won’t always respond to the things that you tell them. Sometimes people get angry with you because you dare to speak to them the things of the Lord.
But when your life is over, there is only one thing that will count—and that is your obedience to the will of God. Everything you may have done for yourself, all of the wealth that you may have amassed, all of the accomplishments that will be written in the obituary will be meaningless.
Give your life to that which really counts—that which is eternal. Live your life for Him.
Father, thank You for the power of the Holy Spirit that enables us to fulfill our calling. May we always minister from a position of compassion, understanding, and love. And yet, Lord, may we not be guilty of failing to warn the people of all that You have said. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.