They shall have linen turbans on their heads and linen trousers on their bodies; they shall not clothe themselves with anything that causes sweat.

— Ezekiel 44:18

WHEN WE THINK of sweat, we think of fleshly activity. And there might be cases where in serving the Lord we do perspire—like during building projects and things of that nature. But when it came to the worship of God, expressing praise, adoration, and thanksgiving, God said He didn’t want anything that caused sweat.

God Doesn’t Want You To Worship Or Serve Him Out Of Pressure Or Emotional Frenzy. 

The Lord doesn’t want you to feel that He has put such an intolerably heavy burden upon you that you have to strain in order to accomplish His will. Some speak of the great sacrifices that they have made to serve the Lord. But God never requires you to give up one worthwhile thing to follow Jesus—only the junk that has been cluttering your life.

God desires that you worship from a heart overflowing with love, simply because you’re reacting to the love He manifests toward you. No sweat, no false stimulation, just a pure, natural expression of gratitude.

May our worship be inspired by a pure heart—with thanksgiving for those things God has done in our lives, and awe for His glory, His majesty, and His beauty.

Father, we desire to serve from a place of gladness and gratitude.

In Jesus’ Name, Amen.