For the Lord takes pleasure in His people; He will beautify the humble with salvation.
— Psalm 149:4
WHEN WE SEE the pleasure that someone gets from taking a ruined object and making it like new, we are probably getting close to the heart of God. He loves to take lives that have been ruined by sin and restore them again into the image of His Son.
When God looks at you, He sees the work of His grace in you. He sees that out of the ashes of a failed life, something worthwhile and beautiful has been fashioned. God is also pleased when He sees you choosing to live after the Spirit, yielding your life to Him that He might by His Spirit conform you into the image of His Son.
When God Looks At You, He Takes Pleasure.
Some sights, however, do not please God. Wickedness does not please God (Psalm 5:4). Those who shrink back from their faith do not please God (Hebrews 10:38). And those who are living after the flesh do not please God (Romans 8:8). God is not pleased when you choose to live after the flesh because He knows that could destroy you.
Ask yourself honestly: Am I choosing to please myself, or God? What about the activities you have devoted yourself to—are they pleasing to God, or just to you? Remember the words of Jesus, who said, in speaking of the Father, “I always do those things that please Him” (John 8:29). When you choose to do likewise, your life will be more rewarding and more meaningful.
Live to please God.
Father, help us to live lives that bring You honor. May we devote ourselves, Lord, to pleasing You.
In Jesus’ Name We Pray, Amen.