Turn away my eyes from looking at worthless things, and revive me in Your way.

— Psalm 119:37

IT IS INTERESTING how charming the vain things of the world can become to us.

God placed Adam and Eve in the garden and said, “Of all of the trees that are in the garden, you may freely eat. There is only one tree that you are not to eat from, and that’s the tree that is in the midst of the garden. In the day that you eat of it, you will surely die.” And what tree did Eve find most attractive? Which one did she feel drawn to? The forbidden tree.

Evil is alluring, attractive—and utterly deceptive. People are drawn to the forbidden because they believe, wrongly, that it will bring satisfaction and contentment. “If I just had that, then I’d be completely happy.” The reality is, however, that when we chase after what is forbidden, we’re left feeling emptier than before.

Temporal Excitements Never Last Long. 

God honors our choices. If we choose to pursue fleshly experiences, hoping to find satisfaction, God will honor that decision. But when we are ready to lay aside fleshly pursuits and walk after the things of the Spirit, God will honor that choice as well.

Wise is the man who, like David, prays for God’s help. “Guard my eyes, Lord. Make me dead to fleshly temptations. Make me alive to Your ways.”

Father, turn us from the pursuit of empty things that offer only false promises of satisfaction. May we be dead to the flesh and alive to You, that we might fellowship with You and shine like the stars forever and ever. In Jesus’ Name We Pray, Amen.