And I, Daniel, fainted and was sick for days; afterward I arose and went about the king’s business.

— Daniel 8:27

FROM THIS PASSAGE, we can conclude that Daniel was a representative of the Babylonian government for King Belshazzar. He had been entrusted with the king’s business and he faithfully set about to fulfill that responsibility.

We, too, have been entrusted with the King’s business and called to represent Him wherever we go. But the kingdom of our Lord, unlike all earthly kingdoms, will last forever. For ours is an eternal kingdom.

Your King Has Business For You To Do This Day. 

“Our citizenship,” Paul wrote, “is in heaven, from which we also eagerly wait for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ” (Philippians 3:20). What a privilege it is to represent Jesus on the earth. He has given us the authority to speak for Him and to speak in His name. But while it is a privilege, it is also a tremendous responsibility, for wherever we go, people will judge Him according to what they see in us.

The King we serve does not like to be misrepresented. We are to love as He loves, give as He gave, forgive even as He has forgiven us. The King that we represent is kind, compassionate, merciful, and gracious, and He has asked that we represent Him in the same way.

Your King has business for you to do this day. May you serve Him with gladness and with faithfulness.

Father, we thank You for the honor and privilege of representing You. Help us, Lord, that by our actions and through our words, we might be fit ambassadors for our wonderful King.

We Pray This In The Name Of Jesus, Amen.