Now because we receive support from the palace, it was not proper for us to see the king’s dishonor; therefore we have sent and informed the king. 

— Ezra 4:14

ISRAEL’S NEIGHBORS sent this letter to Artaxerxes during the rebuilding of the temple. When their offers of help were rebuffed, they sought to hinder the work. They hired lawyers to throw a snag into the project and sent a document to the king of Persia. They said, “We believe these people will dishonor you. We couldn’t just stand by and see this happen; therefore, we felt it was necessary that we inform the king.”

This verse applies to us today. For we have a King as well, and we receive our maintenance from Him.

Some people say that Jesus is just a crutch for weak people. They’re right. I lean upon Him all the time. If He weren’t a crutch for me, I would have fallen a long time ago. He has never failed me or let me down. You don’t have to worry when you are being maintained by the King.

But the world around me dishonors my King. Every time someone takes the name of my God in vain, my heart cringes.


Just as Israel’s neighbors sent a letter telling the king what was happening, we, too, need to inform ours. We need to get on our knees before God regarding the conditions of our nation and the things that are happening—and pray that He will begin to work.

Father, help us today to bring glory and honor to You, our King. Give us the boldness to stand up for what is right and holy and pure.

In Jesus’ Name, Amen.