From the end of the earth I will cry to You, when my heart is overwhelmed; lead me to the rock that is higher than I.
— Psalm 61:2
DAVID HAD HIS SHARE of glory, but he also had his share of problems. When David was just a teenager, King Saul became very jealous of him and endeavored to kill him. Still later, David struggled with problems in his marriage and with his children. The psalms are David’s prayers recorded during the overwhelming moments in his life. And because he had so many problems, we have so many psalms.
David knew that when he reached the limit of his ability, he could cry out to One whose power and ability is limitless. And we too can cry out to that same Rock—to Jesus Christ, our rock of deliverance, our rock of defense, our rock of salvation, our rock of strength.
Notice that we need to be led to the Rock. Our job is to cry out; the job of the Holy Spirit is to lead us to Jesus.
If you are overwhelmed today, if your circumstances are more than you can bear, let me encourage you to cry out to Jesus—to the Rock that is higher than you, and higher than all your problems. He will deliver you. He will bring you to a place of strength and victory.
Father, many today are facing problems and situations that are beyond their understanding, beyond their capacity. I pray that Your Spirit will lead them this day to Your Son, and that they might find in Christ their strength, their deliverance, their health, and their peace.
in Jesus’ Name, Amen.