Why did I not die at birth? Why did I not perish when I came from the womb?

— Job 3:11

IN JUST A FEW moments’ time, Job lost his children, his health, and all of his earthly possessions. He found himself a naked soul reduced to the bare essence of existence without any props or support.

What Questions Does A Man Ask Who Has Been Stripped Of Everything? 

Job wanted to know why he was born. He didn’t curse God, but he did curse the day of his birth. “Why was I ever born? What is the purpose of my life?”

If you subscribe to the evolutionary theory, the answer is obvious. There is no purpose for your life, for you exist by accident. You exist as the result of fortuitous occurrences of accidental circumstances over billions of years of time.

The Bible, however, teaches that there is life after death. This is just a place where God is preparing me in order that I might dwell with Him forever. The tests, the trials, the hardships, the disappointments are all intended to show me how temporary earthly things are, and teach me to live for the eternal and not for the present.

Why was I born? Why were you born? He created us to know and trust Him, that we might dwell with God in the glory of His kingdom forever.

Father, teach us to trust in You, knowing that our lives are in Your hands. We know that the enemy can do no more than what You allow him to do. As we stumble or fail a test, it is only that we might see how weak we are so that we will trust You more.

In Jesus’ Name, Amen.