And the temple which I build will be great, for our God is greater than all gods. But who is able to build Him a temple, since heaven and the heaven of heavens cannot contain Him? Who am I then, that I should build Him a temple?
— 2 Chronicles 2:5-6
HOW BIG is the universe? Does space just continue on and on into infinity, or is there a sign somewhere that reads, “You’ve reached the end”?
As we consider the vastness of our universe, we begin to see the greatness of the God we serve. If our finite minds cannot comprehend even the greatness of a finite universe, how can we comprehend the infinite God who created that universe?
David recognized that the heathens made little gods for themselves out of wood, stone, silver or gold—gods with eyes that couldn’t see, ears that couldn’t hear, mouths that couldn’t speak, and feet that couldn’t walk. But ours is a great God. He is a loving God—a living God.
When We Consider Who God Is And What He Has Done For Us, How Can We Do Less Than Offer Him Our Best?
For this reason, whatever we do for God has to be our best. How can we not live completely for Him?
From the simple cell to the magnificent universe, our great God rules and reigns over all. The question is, does He rule and reign in your life—or are you worshiping one of these lesser gods?
We thank You, Lord, for the blessing and the privilege of knowing and serving You. Amen.