And there he went into a cave, and spent the night in that place; and behold, the word of the Lord came to him, and He said to him, “What are you doing here, Elijah?”
— 1 Kings 19:9
WE TEND TO THINK of the great men of God as being super saints, men that are out of our league. We think, “I could never do the things Elijah did.” But he was just a man. Though he had the same flaws and weaknesses we have, God used him in a mighty way. And that is encouraging. That means God can use me too.
At this particular time, Elijah was so discouraged that he wanted to die. Knowing this, God came to him and, with a still small voice, asked Elijah what he was doing. But instead of telling Him honestly, “I’m hiding,” Elijah offered excuses to God.
We do the same thing. God sees us hiding and asks us what we’re doing. Rather than confessing, “I’m doing nothing,” we begin to make excuses. And when you get good at making excuses, you’re usually good for nothing else.
Are you discouraged? If so, let me ask: What are you doing for God that really counts? How much time and energy have you invested in eternal things?
As you get busy for Him, you’ll forget about your own problems and you’ll begin to experience a sense of fulfillment. If you will listen today for that still small voice, you might be surprised what God will call you to do.
Father, we thank You for being patient with us. May we hear Your still small voice and answer You honestly.
In Jesus’ Name We Pray, Amen.