For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work; only He who now restrains will do so until He is taken out of the way.

— 2 Thessalonians 2:7

PAUL WROTE to the Thessalonians to assure them that despite the persecution they were suffering, they were not in the great tribulation. Two things would happen before that day came: a falling away would occur in the church, and the man of sin would be revealed.

Lawlessness had already begun in Paul’s day. And it has only increased. Why are people drawn toward lawlessness when it always results in calamity? Therein lies the mystery.


It is inconceivable that people could willfully choose evil over good—even knowing that their choice could kill them. Yet they do. It began in the garden of Eden when Adam and Eve chose to eat of the tree that God had declared would kill them. It is a mystery that men would choose a path that leads to death rather than the path that leads to life—a path that will bring them only misery and destruction. Yet they do.

“Come now, and let us reason together,” the Lord invited in Isaiah 1:18. Obedience is reasonable. Accepting the salvation Jesus offers is reasonable. Yet men continue to cast reason aside, all because they love darkness more than light and because lawlessness is more appealing to them than obedience.

Search your heart today. Ask God to show you if you are choosing lawlessness over obedience. And if you find you are, repent.

Father, help us to heed Your Word that we would not be deceived. May we surrender our hearts and our lives to Jesus Christ, the living Lord.
