The name of the Lord is a strong tower: the righteous run to it and are safe. 
—Proverbs 18:10

IN ANCIENT TIMES, people built high towers along the walls that surrounded their cities. From these towers, a person could see for a long distance and could easily spot approaching enemies. When warfare broke out, towers offered a height advantage. Spears could not reach you, but your spears could easily be thrown down upon your attackers. For these reasons, people ran to the towers when danger approached. 

We, too, have a strong tower—a place of refuge to which we can run when life's battles loom.


Countless times, when I have needed Him most, I have run to the name of Jesus and found safety. In times of distress, times of fear, times of uncertainty, times of feeling hopeless and helpless and weak, I have run to that place where I know I will find comfort and safety. I have run to Jesus. 

He is Jehovah-jireh; He has provided for my need of salvation. He is Jehovah-nissi, my banner. His banner over me is love. He is Jehovah-shalom, my peace. He is Jehovah-tsidkenu, my righteousness. He is Jehovah-shammah— wherever I am, He is there. 

Jesus is our Savior, our Rock, our Refuge. He is our Strong Tower.

 Are you overwhelmed today? Are you feeling insecure or uncertain? Run to Jesus. 

Father, we thank You for that help, that strength, that confidence that we receive in and through the name of Jesus, the name above all names.

In His name we pray, Amen.