Then another angel, having a golden censer, came and stood at the altar. He was given much incense, that he should offer it with the prayers of all the saints upon the golden altar which was before the throne.
— Revelation 8:3
WHAT AN AWESOME gift prayer is. To think that the Creator of the universe has granted us an audience with Himself is almost unbelievable. Prayer is a privilege. And we are told that God values our prayers so much that they rise to Him as a sweet fragrance.
Prayer is worship. It is sitting at God’s feet, loving Him, adoring Him, opening your heart and letting Him open His heart to you. I believe this kind of worshipful prayer—communing with God, friend to Friend—is the highest form of prayer.
Probably the most common form of prayer is petition. This is where we seek God’s help, provision, or guidance for our lives. We all have needs, and it is perfectly proper to bring those needs to God.
Prayer is also intercession. It is going beyond our own needs to lift up the needs of others.
Prayer is a dialogue. It is God speaking to you as well as you speaking to God. It is important to hear from God as well as to speak to Him.
Are you worshiping through prayer, petitioning through prayer, interceding through prayer, and hearing God through prayer?
Are you offering God the sweet fragrance of prayer?
Father, forgive us for wasting so much time in pursuit of worthless things. Let our hearts be attuned to the things of the Spirit as we lift our voices, express our praise, and spend time with You.
In Jesus’ Name, Amen.