What does it profit, my brethren, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can faith save him?
— James 2:14
IT TAKES TWO oars to row a boat. If you have only one, all you will do is row yourself in circles. But with two oars, you can row anywhere you want to.
Faith and works are companions that work together. Faith produces the works; works demonstrate the genuineness of the faith. Whatever you believe will show itself in the things you do. For example, if someone goes forward and receives Jesus Christ, his life will be changed. If someone says they went forward but they leave and go right back into the sin they knew before, you can tell they didn’t really receive Christ. Their words meant nothing.
James tells us that, “Faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead” (James 2:17). He then gives the example of a brother or sister in need. If you simply wish them well but do not help feed or clothe them, your well wishes are meaningless. You’ve not demonstrated true faith.
True faith produces works of love, kindness, and goodness. You are not saved by those works of righteousness; they simply demonstrate that you are saved.
The faith that will save you will bring forth the fruit of righteousness in your life. Remember what Jesus said in Matthew 7:16: “You will know them by their fruits.”
Is your life bearing good fruit—fruit that proves your faith?
Father, may our actions always prove our words. Help us abide in You, that the faith we have will produce good works through us, works that demonstrate the genuineness of our commitment to Jesus Christ.
In His Name, Amen.