Therefore He is also able to save to the uttermost those who come to God through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them.
— Hebrews 7:25
THE PHRASE “He is able to save to the uttermost” carries some broad ramifications and tells us much about the length and breadth of God’s power.
We learn that: He saves from all people groups—God’s salvation is inclusive. He is able to save people of all nations, races, and ethnic groups. No matter who you are or where you are from, you can be saved through our great High Priest, Jesus Christ.
He saves the worst of sinners—no matter how horrible your life has been or how evil your behavior, you are not beyond the reach of God’s forgiveness and grace. Little sinner, big sinner, it doesn’t matter. He is big enough to save you.
He saves from extreme circumstances—whether you find yourself tossed in a lion’s den, thrown into a fiery furnace, abandoned in prison, floating in the ocean, hauled before hostile magistrates, or exiled on an island—God is able to deliver you. He may have you in that circumstance for a specific reason; He may choose to leave you in that situation for a time. But don’t ever doubt His ability to rescue you. He is the God who has the power to shut the lion’s mouth, walk with you in the furnace, spring open the prison door, snatch you from the deep, conquer your enemies, and deliver you from exile.
He is the God who saves from the uttermost.
Father, we acknowledge Your majesty—Your power, strength, wisdom, and justice. We are so grateful that we belong to You. Thank You that You went the uttermost distance to save us.