Therefore the Lord was very angry with Israel, and removed them from His sight; there was none left but the tribe of Judah alone. —2 Kings 17:18
In this brief sentence, we find the record of the death of the nation of Israel. After expending the patience of God, Israel is removed as a nation from the face of the earth.
When He brought them out of Egypt, God made a covenant with Israel. He promised that if they kept His laws, He would be their God and they would be His people. He further promised that if they kept His commandments, He would bless, protect, and prosper them as a nation.
The people agreed to the covenant—but they didn't keep it. Instead, they turned from God and worshiped idols. And for this cause, God removed them.
Following after emptiness only makes you empty.
It amazes me when I consider the patience of God. He dwelt with his people for 240 years, and sent prophet after prophet to warn them of their folly. How longsuffering our God is!
And how foolish man is when he turns from the living God. You see, when you turn from God, you create a void in your life. Nature abhors a void. Inevitably, you will reach out for something to fill that inner emptiness. That is exactly what happened with Israel. They turned to pagan gods to fill the void, and in return, they received absolutely nothing.
That is because nothing else can fill the spot intended for God.
Father, we thank You for Your patience and Your mercy. We acknowledge that You alone can fill the void in our lives. In Jesus' name, amen.